How to Sleep Better?

Before Starting the topic, you probably thinking why we got a health-related article on a business blog? I would like to clear that, we all do business or planning to start doing. Being a businessman is not that easy that we think. People got health problems just because they got stressed. Form the health report of World Health Organisation we found that the major health problem is insomnia.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. People with insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep. Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep. Waking up too early in the morning. Here we research on the topic of how to sleep better and collected data here. Without beating the bushes, I here we start.

Do you want to know how to sleep better at night naturally? Without having to use sleeping pills or drugs, then you are going to find this article very interesting. My main goal today is to help you achieve that sleep that will leave you waking up in the mornings, feeling so refreshed you will think that you were reborn. Today we are going to be looking at what causes us to stay up all night as well as what can be done to improve our sleep, and how you can say goodbye to those restless unsettling sleepless nights. So, it’s time to pay close attention and get comfortable, as you begin to learn how to sleep better at night.

Before You Learn How to Sleep Better at Night You Need To Find Out What Is Keeping You Up.

You are going to have to find out what is keeping you up, there are a couple of reasons that people can't sleep at night and there are many different ways to solve these problems so let’s look at the most common reasons that people struggle to fall asleep:

Stress: This is one of the biggest reasons that people struggle to fall asleep when you have stressed out your mind is too busy thinking about all your problems, and your body becomes all tense, this makes it hard for your body to relax therefore causing you to have sleepless nights.

Medication: There are various medications that can lead to us not been able to fall asleep such as medication for asthma and blood pressure, so if you are on medication consult your doctor and see if there is no alternative to help you sleep.

Caffeine: Caffeine is another big cause of people not been able to sleep well, so try to keep away from any products that contain caffeine, especially in the evening.

Exercise and work: Exercise is a great way to keep fit and healthy, but if it is done right before your bedtime then it’s can lead to your body being overactive, and the same goes with work that requires concentration because your mind won’t know that it’s time to rest.

Inaccurate sleeping schedule: We should have a time to go to sleep and a time to wake up, and follow this routine each and every day, this will allow our minds and bodies to know when its bedtime and when it’s time to wake up.

Sleep Better at Night

Most adults experience insomnia or sleeplessness at one time or another and want to know how to sleep better. Having trouble falling asleep affects an estimated 30-50% of the general population and 10% have chronic insomnia.

According to the non-profit National Sleep Foundation:

70 million Americans are affected by either intermittent or chronic sleep problems

28 percent sleep eight or more hours a night

20 percent sleep less than 6 hrs a night

Only 30 percent discuss their sleeplessness with them doctor

54 percent of adult drivers (110 million) have driven drowsy at least once in the past year

28 percent claim to have nodded off or fallen asleep while driving

Additionally, other sources claim:

Nearly 61 percent of reporting trouble sleeping were women versus about 39 percent men.

Insomnia peaks in middle age (45-64 years old) and a second the increase appears in people 85 and older.

African Americans and Asians appear less likely to report trouble sleeping or insomnia than whites

Those with higher education also are less likely to report insomnia or trouble sleeping.

Get an understanding of what insomnia is

 Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep. Occasionally having trouble sleeping is normal for most people. For instance, some people only have trouble sleeping during very stressful periods at work, or when personal problems arise. These emotional traumas often prevent a healthy night sleep. It's bad enough having trouble sleeping one night, try having months of it and you'll know what it's like to be an insomniac.

However, because insomnia is often considered a key symptom of depression, you should consult a doctor if you an experiencing log-term sleep loss and want to know how to sleep better. Many people, who have trouble sleeping, feel that their symptoms and problems are ignored not just by their colleagues, friends, and family, but by their doctors. Learning how to sleep better is not going to happen overnight. Here are 6 tips that have worked well for others.

Consider alternative drug-free methods and remedies to help induce sleep

Natural sleep remedies like chamomile flowers are used in alternative medicine and are usually found in stores as tea. Try over-the-counter sleep aids if the alternative methods don't work. They are effective for an occasional sleepless night but the more often you take them, the less effective they become. When taking over-the-counter sleep remedies don't drive or attempt other activities that require alertness while taking the drug.

Exercise regularly

Three or four moderate sessions of exercise each week is all it takes to help you sleep better and provide more energy. Those regularly engaging in moderate exercise likely to experience fewer episodes of sleeplessness, however, although exercising is a good preventative measure, I don't recommend exercising too close to bedtime.

Establish a routine bedtime

A bedtime routine should start the same every night. About an hour before you want you to get your head on the pillow, begin the winding the down process so bedtime doesn't come abruptly.

Watch your intake

Avoid stimulating your body by stopping caffeine intake 6-8 hrs prior to bedtime; this goes for high carb foods as well. You also need to avoid alcohol. It may help you initially get to sleep, but it won't help you stay asleep.

Do relaxing tasks as part of your bedtime routine

It's best to perform relaxing tasks before bedtime like reading or doing crossword puzzles. Definitely avoid work-related tasks before going to bed if you want to sleep better. The only thing checking your work email the last thing at night does is make you worry about the next day!

Ensure your bedroom is comfortable, dark and quiet

If you tend to watch TV in bed, you might want to take the TV out of your room and try simply reading a bit before settling down to sleep. If after all this, you haven't fallen asleep in 30 minutes, get up for a while and go back reading or relaxing somewhere other than the bedroom. When you begin to get tired again, return to bed.

Having periods of insomnia and sleeplessness can definitely affect your lifestyle. However, don't accept the fact that this is something that has to be lived with. Take the time to learn how to sleep better. Start by getting a better understanding of what insomnia is, try drug-free alternatives to help induce sleep, and start an exercise program. Then look at other aspects of your life. Do you have an established bedtime routine? Do you watch your late-night food intake and avoid that food and drinks that stimulate the body? Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet; pull the curtains, remove the TV. And Finally, as with any disorder, if you continue to have trouble sleeping for an extended period, seek the advice of your doctor.

Sleep Inducing Music - Sleep Better with Relaxing Music

Feel refreshed and full of energy every morning by getting the rest you need. This is not easy in the modern and chaotic world we live in. Stress and tension in your body and muscle are very common and can cause restfulness and also prevent you from recharging your much-needed energy.

With simple meditation and relaxation methods you can train your body and mind to relax, despite the stressful lifestyle you may have. Getting to know your thoughts and the how they can affect you is the first step to relieve yourself of stress and negative energy, you need to focus your positive thoughts and actions and let go of negativity. If you wake up in the morning or go to bed at night with negative thoughts, the chances are very good that you will have a negative day.

To help calm your thoughts and relax you could practice a form of Yoga or meditation. You do not have to go all out and sign up for Yoga classes, there are simple things you can do at home or work to refresh your body, mind, and soul. Start off by creating some time for yourself when you can relax and let go of all your worries, it can be at work or your home as long as it is a calm and relaxing space.

You can create your own meditation room or quite a room, where you can have your own place of freedom. Put on some calming or natural music and relax your muscles, try to think of nothing if possible or just listen to the sounds and music flow through your body. It will take some time to get used to cutting yourself off the outside world and getting in touch with your inner self, but once you can achieve this you will feel great and more relaxed.

These simple meditation and relaxation methods are very basic, but it works and you can start doing it today. This will not only help you sleep better but also make you feel better. Keep things simple and do not try to add more complication to your life, think positive and invite wellness to your daily life.

How Yoga Asanas Induce Better Sleep

One might wonder how is yoga going to be good for sleep, well, the answer is quite simple. The first thing that you know about yoga is that it focuses on deep breathing and this relaxes the body, calming it down. The combination of subtle body movements and breathing cycle that yoga is helpful in the activation of the parasympathetic part of your nervous system thus eliminating stress and answering the question of how yoga asana induces had better sleep.

Now, the crucial thing here is to what asanas are exactly going to be of help. There are so many yoga asanas with all serving different purposes that knowing which ones are going to help you with sleep might be a problem. However, fret no more as here is a list of the most effective yoga asana for better sleep:

Virasana (also known as hero poses)

Just sit in a comfortable position with your hips resting on your heels, involving a slight stretching of your ankles and knees. Stretching your spine upside and taking deep breaths in this position will help clear your mind and slow down your heart rate.

Bitilasana and Marjaryasana (cow and cat pose)

Without getting up from the virasana, you just need to roll in the forward position on the support of your knees and hands. For bitilasana, you have to pull your lower back down with your tailbone and head pointing upwards. For the Marjaryasana, you just have to do the reverse, your tailbone and head tilt downwards while your spine is arched upwards like the shape of letter C. Just keep alternating between these positions for as much time as you want to.


Start with the sinking of your hips on your heels while your chest stays settled between your thighs. Here, your toes would be on one another while your thighs can lay apart as much as you find comfortable. Now, rest your forehead on the floor and start making walk like movement from your fingers stretching the arms as well. If you want to have a face massage-like feeling, you can even roll your face from side to side.

Viparita Karni

This position can also shed light on the question of how yoga asanas induce better sleep. Lie down on the floor with your hips touching the wall so that you can stretch your leg vertically up on the wall. This asana gives a nice stretch to your hamstring. It loosens and relaxes the muscle in the lower section of your body, helping you get better sleep.

Ananda Balasana

Bringing your knees closer to the chest, hold your toes with your fingers. Now you have to push your heels towards the ceiling while your hips should be on the floor. This asana is very good for relaxing your abdomen as well as your spine.

Supta Baddha Konasana

From the last asana, release your leg and stretch them so that your soles are in contact while your knees are as far as possible. This asana is a gentle stretching exercise for your abdomen, pelvis, and thighs.


Just lie down stretching your legs little apart while your toes point in the opposite direction. Relax your arms and body and try to make your mind, free of any thoughts. This asana is great for not just physical relaxation but also mental.

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