1000 Most Asked “Why” Questions On Google

Why February Has Only 28Days

 I have discovered that there are two answers, both answers are right, however, they are completely different.

Having breakfast with the family this morning, we began to talk about birthdays (birthday season is shortly upon us) and then everyone started counting out how many days they had before their big day.

Some went to the calendar, some used their hands, then my daughter Kassidy began to demonstrate that she knew and easy way to determine the months that had 31 days from the months that did not.

Putting her hands together as two fists, she began to count the knuckles as months with 31 days and in between the knuckles for months without 31 days. As she reached the last knuckle on her left hand, she finished with the index finger knuckle, "July," then she resumed with the index finger knuckle on her right hand, "August," then she carried on and finished out her demonstration.
At that point, (being the wise-guy) I asked her a question;

"Why does February only have 28 days?"

Now, she is 8 and I did not expect a perfect explanation, but she nailed it! As an adult, I realized that the answer that I was looking for would have involved history, going back to Julius Caesar, getting into a big, long-winded explanation. Her answer was genuine, accurate and beautifully simple;

"Because it is a short month."

We all burst out laughing at how simple and yet how accurate the answer was; it was funny because she so mattered of fact.

After congratulating her on a perfect answer, we began to talk about how we (adults) tend to add so much unnecessary detail, when a simple answer is all that is really necessary.

Ever wonder how kids get to move through their day so happy and care-free, well, they are not overwhelmed with coming up with unnecessary details.

I would challenge you to start to think in simple terms too, you will attain success much faster.

Life can be simple if you allow it to be.

onlineibusiness is a tutor that teaches people how they can start and run a successful business. The keep it simple philosophy is key. Onlineibusiness is a free weekly newsletter that offers simple insights into business and into life, subscribe today at [http://www.onlineibusiness.blogspot.com] we are also a personal and professional success coach, to learn more about what he does and how you can be Coached to Success.


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